The Science Experience clone
The Best Possible Learning Environment is Closer than You Think
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At Seacrest, science and sustainability are dynamic and vital parts of our integrated curriculum. From Pre-K through 12th Grade, students build on our core biology, chemistry, and physics competencies through integrative exploration both on and off-campus. The grounds of our lush, subtropical 40-acre campus provide outdoor laboratories and unlimited opportunities to test scientific concepts outside the classroom and discover real-world applications. Students and faculty alike can be found in the gardens, working with the chickens, collecting data at our ponds, and running the many saltwater and freshwater tanks.
Our indoor laboratories are equally impressive and students experiment, hypothesize, and test scientific theory in well-equipped science laboratories that include a lower School science lab space, a middle school lab space, and an upper school series of biology, chemistry, marine biology and physics laboratories.
Middle School students apply what they have learned when they visit Marine Lab in Key Largo, where they learn about the seagrasses, mangroves, and coral reefs by being among them. Upper School students are prepared to take on substantive coursework in AP and honors classes.
Percentage of seniors accepted to a four-year college or university
Average teacher-to-student
Total students in Preschool to Grade 12
Acre campus nestled in a tropical preserve
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Marine Biology
Seacrest has the best High School Marine Biology in Southwest Florida. Our students get their feet wet in Middle School during Marine Lab in Key Largo. In Upper School our Marine Biology students all train and receive their scuba certification so they can dive deeper in our local oceans. The class meets at the beach one morning each week to conduct water and organism studies, and work with local marine organizations to monitor and improve the quality of our oceans.