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The Seacrest Fund

Imagine 100



“Imagine a school in which children would explore, experiment, create, and discover; where children would learn to respect and help each other; where minds would be stretched and strengthened; where information would be experienced, and practiced.” - Jane Kern (Seacrest Founder)

"Imagine the best possible learning environment for children" 

Imagine. That simple but profound word is what Seacrest was founded upon 38 years ago, and “imagine,” is what we ask of each of our students and your children every day. When we imagine, we give power to our creative inspiration and we make real what was once just a dream. Back in 2000, our school community imagined the most advanced technology center of any school in Florida, and at a time when that was unheard of, Seacrest built one that rivaled any learning institution in our state. What Seacrest imagined over twenty years ago prepared students for the technology-driven, interconnected world we live in today.

Our students, teachers, and families imagined adding athletic fields, gymnasiums, and programs, where every student is welcome to find their place to shine on a team. The results of that dream can be measured in state championships, and Seacrest graduates playing at the college level at more than twice the national average.

We imagined a high school where students would have the opportunities to sharpen their focus and explore interests and strengths through extracurricular activities, internships, in addition to their concentrated studies. That concept resulted in Seacrest graduates who are prepared, confident, inspired, and ready to attend the top-tier, four-year colleges and some of the nation's most exclusive universities.

"Imagine," a word that opened so many doors for thousands of students in our community.

With your support, just imagine what we can do next.

Simple arithmetic would suggest that if every family gave $1,000 this October, we could easily reach our goal. But Seacrest is an inclusive community where the financial ability of each family is unique. For those who are not in a position to give $1,000 this fall, we ask you please give what you can. For those families who are able to help make up that difference, we ask that consider a gift that helps balance and strengthen our community.




Make your donation to the Seacrest Fund

Seacrest Fund